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SWITEK Automation finalized the pre-production testing of a new 6 cavities Yogurt cups side entry IML System with its high speed side entry IML Robot.

The system is one of the turn-key IML Solutions which finished by SWITEK Automation for dairy products. With the booming economy in China, the IML pacakging is wining much more attention especially among the dairy products producer and beverage chain restaurant. The IML Robot in this project is one of the most popular IML robot put in market by SWITEK Automation in year 2018, with more than 4 years continued optimization,it's one of the fastest IML robot in China for small and medium size IML containers.

To extend the productivity of the IML System, the IML container can consider to add vision control and packing unit to the production line to reduce the man hour and increase the productivity of the system.

K-show 2022, Haitian group on show new Jenius Hybrid injection molding machine targeted at the market of which request specific quality requirements like white goods or the automative industry.

As the largest plastic related exhibition in the world, K-Show attracted the attention of plastic material, injection machinery, automation solution, plastic recycling etc. It's no doubt that all the exhibitor will showcase their cutting edge solution. The machine on show K 2022 is JE3600III-1700 hybrid injection molding machine in demo production of 1 cavity mount for suspension arms from PP GF30 at a cycle time of 45.6s.

To maximize the productivity of the hybrid injection molding machine and ensure the products quality, the best injection robot for Zhafir Jenius series would be SWITEK SW7 Series Injection Robot, with kick-back design, it will provide more space for EOAT with a payload up to 75kg, will meet the demand of all application in the production of automative industry.

HQ onshow 4 cavities lids high speed IML production by HMD all electric injection molding machine with SWITEK new SW8 series high speed robot at Chinaplas 2023.

As a mold maker specialized in the design and production of high quality thin-wall container mold for IML production, Ningbo Hengqi Precision Mould Co., Ltd. had been cooperating with the high speed injection molding machine manufacturer and IML solution provider to provide clients around the world a reliable turn-key IML Solutions. The 2.3s IML solution showcased on Chinaplas 2023 is one of the successful cooperation among the mould maker, the injection molding machine maker and the IML solutions providers.

Beside the mold for lids, Ningbo Hengqi Precision Mould Co., Ltd. will also provide high quality thin-wall container mold of buckets, cups, box for dairy products for clients around the world.

NPE 2024, the largest exhibition of plastic and plastic machinery, is onpening on May 5th, 2024, what does NPE means to a plastic industry insider? And what does NPE means to ordinary people? With all these question Cameron Wilkinson intervieded Robin Dean, the CEO of Trade Group and who had been design the booth for NPE attenders for more than 20 years, shared her opinions about NPE and what an exibitor can do to attract the exhibitors.

As the largest exhibiition of plastic industry in North America, the NPE 2024 attracted exhibitors from 110+ countries to show their cutting edge technology of injection automation, and will attract 10's of thousands of visitors daily globally to meet the talents of injection technoogy. It's more than a show of plastic industry but a show for all industry because all industries will use plastic nowadays.

To an exhibitor, it's difficult to attract the attention of all visitors but a good management of the booth and innovative design of the booth would be for sure be great help. As a potential visitor, it's no doubt that I would like to see more cutting edge injection automation solution in the exhibition but if there's greate design of the booth, it would be attractive, isn't it?

FAKUMA 2023, Luigi Tondi, the sales and business development director of LK IMM EUROPEAN, introduced the advantages of the injection molding machine on show booth 1213/B1.

The injection molding machine which LK IMM developed for the European market include the Potenza series injection molding machine which has a clamping force from 80T to 1000T which on show Fakuma 2023 is PT130; The other injection molding machine is the "ELETTRICA" series of full electric injection modling machine with clamping force from 100T to 350T, and of which model on show is EL130. According to Mr. Luigi, the "ELETTRICA" series of full electric injection molding machine can be added some oil pump to make it a "Hybrid" injection molding machine for some special application.

Since both "POTENZA" & "ELETTRICA" series of injection molding machine are small and medium sized injection molding machine, the best injection robot for them would be the SW6 series injection robot by SWITEK Automation, with a payload range from 3kg ~ 15kg, and both 3/5 axis servo configuration for injection molding machine from 80T ~ 1000T.

K-Fair 2022, NISSEI & NEGRIBOSSI had a joint exhibition the first time after NISSEI took the majority of NEGRI BOSSI in 2019.

The merger of NISSEI & NEGRIBOSSI is a powerful combination in the injection molding machine manufacturing business which is a leading Japanese manufacturer of high performance injection molding machine and the other is a leading Italian high performance injection molding machine manufacturer. The joint-exhibition of the two big brand showed up the cutting edge injection technology in PLA and automotive parts injection production.

As a key sector of injection automation, SWITEK will provide turn-key solutions of high performance injection robot + customized automation solutions for the efficient production of high quality plastic parts. Among which the SW7 series of injection robot with a payload range from 5kg ~ 75kg will match an injection molding machine from 80T ~ 4000T, would be your best choice for your new NESSI & NEGRIBOSSI injection molding machine.

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